Jean Piaget And Lev Vygotsky's Cognitive Development

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Cognitive development is defined as a field of study in Psychology focusing on a child’s brain development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky were major contributors to the cognitive development in Psychology. Both have contributed to the field by offering explanations for children’s learning styles and abilities; both offer suggestion on how to teach children in an appropriate manner. Jean Piaget was an individual constructivist. According to Piaget, a child’s cognitive structure helps the child understand the world around him. This structure develops into complex mental activities. He believed that childhood plays an important role in the growth of intelligence and a child learns through doing and exploring. Piaget believed that hands …show more content…

The first developmental state is the sensorimotor stage, which occurs between the ages of zero and two years old. This is where concepts are built through interactions with adults. Infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motor actions. The second stage, the preoperational, occurs from two to seven years old. At this stage, children’s symbolic thought increases, but they do not possess operational thought. Children need to relate to concrete objects and people, but they do not understand abstract concepts. The third stage is concrete operations and occurs from seven to eleven years old. Children are able to develop logical structures and can understand abstractions. The formal operational stage, the final stage, occurs from eleven to fifteen. At this stage, thought is more abstract, idealistic, and logical. Children’s cognitive structures are similar to adults and children are able to use reasoning. Piaget’s key concepts for his developmental theory are: schemas, assimilation, and accommodation. Piaget believed that schemas are the mental and physical actions involved in understanding and knowing. As experiences happen, new information is modified, added to, or changes existing information. Assimilation is the process of taking in new information into our previous existing schemas and then altering our ideas. Accommodation is another …show more content…

It also helps children develop their thinking skills and use of language. Piaget and Vygotsky’s biggest differences is their assessments of a child’s progression of development. Piaget believes that development is individual; Vygotsky believes development heavily relies on social aspects. Piaget insisted that learning happens after development, while Vygotsky believed that learning takes place before development can occur. Piaget’s theory has four phases; Vygotsky assumed there were no set stages, only three components. Piaget and Vygotsky both believe that development can be a result of a cognitive conflict. They agree that children are active learners; children learn quickly and development declines with age. In both theories, teachers serve as facilitors and guides. By using Vygotsky’s theory, educators are able to realize what a child is able to do with assistance and they can help a child develop the skills on their own. They are engaged in the discovery process, but they are receiving guidance from a more knowledgeable source. With Piaget’s theory, he wanted children to learn and discover on their

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