Jean Piaget And The Four Stages Of Mental Development

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Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, was brought into this world on August 9, 1896, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. He was the eldest child of Arthur Piaget and Rebecca Jackson. His father was a medieval literature professor and Piaget began to grasp some of his traits at an early age. At only 11 years old, Piaget wrote a short paper on an albino sparrow and that along with other publications gave him a reputation. (Encyclopedia Britannica 2013) After high school, Piaget went to the University of Neuchâtel to study zoology and philosophy where he also received a Ph.D. in 1918. Sometime later Piaget became acquainted with psychology and began to study under Carl Jung and Eugen Bleuler. Later he started his study at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1919. Four …show more content…

This can be identified as the four stages of mental development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and the formal operational stage. (Cherry, 2017) Each stage involves a difference of making sense in reality than the previous stage. In the sensorimotor stage, the first stage, infants start to conduct an understanding of the world by relating sensory experiences to a motor or physical action. This stage typically lasts from birth until around two years of age. A key component of this stage is object permanence, which simply means to understand an object will exist even when it can’t be directly visualized, heard, or felt. The second stage was the preoperational stage. This stage dealt more so with symbolic thinking rather than senses and physical action. Usually, the preoperational stage last between two to seven years old, so you can think of this as preschool years. The thinking in infants is still egocentric or self-centered at this time and can’t take others perspectives. The third stage or the concrete operational stage averagely lasts from seven to eleven years of age. This is when individuals start using operations and replace intuitive reasoning with logical reasoning in concrete circumstances. For example, there are three glasses, glass A and B are wide and short and filled with water while glass C is tall and skinny and empty. If the water in B is …show more content…

For starters, schemas can be defined as the basic building block intelligent behavior or a way of organizing knowledge. (MacLeod 2015) Moving forward, assimilation is simply using existing knowledge and applying it to new information. It’s like using skills from one experience and using that to help figure out a newer and similar encounter. Accommodation is slightly different, this is when people adjust their schemas to new information rather than using previous knowledge to do things. You can think of it as rethinking old strategies when there’s a new challenge that presents

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