Jealousy Kills Quotes

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Jealousy can make you make bad choices and actions. That is exactly what happened to the kids Venus. When Margot moved to Venus with her Mom and Dad she missed the sun. She missed the warmth and comforting feeling of the sun . All she had now was rain. She was jealous of the people that were still on earth. She was jealous that she couldn't feel that warmth anymore. So when the scientist said that the sun would come out after seven years Margot’s class talked and talked about the sun. So much that the other kids got jealous that Margot could remember the sun and they couldn’t. They locked her in a closet they were so jealous. Then while they went out and played they forgot all about Margot and her stories of the sun. They were playing in …show more content…

All the kids her were rude and bullied her about remembering the sun.“ I think the sun is a flower; That blooms for just one hour:”( page 2 para 1). Margot says this the day before the sun come out. Of course the kids were still mean to her about it.“There was talk that her father and mother were taking her back to Earth next year; it seemed vital that they do so, though it would mean the loss of thousands of dollars to her family.”( page 3 para3). In this text it shows that Margot is jealous of the people on Earth and how much she wants to go back. She doesn't care that her family would lose thousands of dollars she just wants to be on earth where she belongs

Another theme is forgetfulness can lead to mistake that didn't have to happen. When the kids leave Margot in the closet. They didn't mean for her to miss the sun, they simply just forgot, right? Wrong, all could have been avoided if those kids weren't so jealous. “‘All a joke!’ Said the boy, and seized her roughly. ‘Hey, everyone, let’s put her in closet before the teacher comes!’” ( page 3 para 3). However forgetfulness is a role in this short story, none of that would had happen if the kids didn't get so jealous. Which proves again that jealousy is the main

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