James Cameron Research Paper

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Once nicknamed “‘The Unsinkable Ship” the Titanic stole our hearts in 1912, then again on screen in 1997. James Cameron directed one of the best movies of all time, capturing the spirit of the majestic boat that still sleeps upon the ocean floor. The opening scene locks us in as an underwater camera skims over the 85 years of silt, rust and iron. Cameron flawlessly captures the experience on this ship built for millionaires, in 194 minutes and a mere $200 million. The “unsinkable” met it’s match when an iceberg interrupted the voyage. This film combines everything you expected to see and more. A romance, arrogance of the ship’s builders and the two and a half hour reenactment of the sinking and deaths that occurred with it. Cameron flawlessly …show more content…

Ismay has been warned that icebergs may have floated into the hazardous northern crossings, but he still wants to try and beat the trans-Atlantic speed record. He knows that the Titanic can travel fast enough, but it can’t turn quickly to get out of harm's way if need be. The sequence of events that occur when an iceberg comes into it’s path is antagonizing. Helplessly the ship tries to turn out of the way and …show more content…

He films the entire voyage as a modern story, stemming off what happened at the beginning of the movie. The opening shots of the real Titanic are obtained during an expedition led by Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton). He is searching for precious jewels but instead stumbles upon a nude drawing of a young woman. He displays it on TV and an elderly woman sees in, claiming it’s her in the drawing. This is Rose (Gloria Stuart), she is still alive a 101 years old. She visits Paxton and shares her experience on the titanic. He shows her pictures of the expedition and a computer simulated visual of the Titanic’s last moments before hitting the iceberg. Now we are watching the Titanic through the eye’s of Rose. Now we just follow the stages of the

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