Jacob Donner Research Paper

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Very First Memories My very first memory that I can recall is from our old house which isn't there anymore Jacob Donner's family built a new one right where it is to be. I can remember running around with my mom's old dog sugar witch was old so i'm sure she was always annoyed with me playing with her but I would dress up as a cowboy and there was an old John Wayne movie where he had a dog that followed him everywhere he went and did what he told him to and I would pretend that was us and we would pretend we were in a fight with Indians or bandits and I used my old cap gun to fight them off. I spent most of my time downstairs and can't even remember what the upstairs looked like the only two rooms I can remember is the kitchen and the living …show more content…

I also remember after she passed away dad got me a dog that was a Catahoula and I named him spot because he was covered in brown spots. He was a really smart dog my dad taught him a whole bunch of tricks like sit shake and lay down but he was also a really good cattle dog and tracker. We had a cow that kept jumping the fence and dad got tired of chasing her back in everyday so he had spot do it and after he did it she never jumped the fence again because she was afraid of him. One year my uncle shot a doe with a bow behind our house and it ran off but was hit and was leaving a trail so we brought spot back there and dad told him to find him and he lead us straight there He also did that for me once with my first turkey when I was six. Sometimes when we would call the cows up to work them or to give them shots or move them somewhere else mom would come and bring sugar and sugar would hear us call them and then she would try and mimic us and call them like we were and it was really funny because you could tell she was trying to say the same thing we were. She liked to call them and see them come up she wouldn't ever growl at them or try to chase them she actually enjoyed their

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