Jackson: A Successful Life Of Andrew Jackson's Life

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Andrew Jackson was a very interesting man. He had a very terrible childhood and was a successful man. He became a president fought in wars and was very smart. Though many people despised him. They hated him for actions he did during the time he served as a president and he also had a pretty interesting love life that made his wife be accused of bigamy. Despite all the wrongs he did he is a key person to making America what it is today. Andrew Jackson as a kid had a very bad life. He was named after his father for one reason. His dad died right before he was born so his mother decided to name him after his father. He also was early into the military and fought alongside his brothers. He fought from 1778 to 1781. His oldest brother died during combat and he was sad. While fighting Jackson and his other older brother were captured and were brought behind enemy lines. While their his older brother caught smallpox and died to this illness. Andrew Jackson was able to escape though from a prisoner exchange …show more content…

Though he was responsible for the very sad trail of tears. He broke the promise they had with the cherokee indians by saying they could have 9 million acres of land in Georgia but Jackson went and kicked them out and pushed them to western Arkansas. Through the walking and exposure through nature over 4000 of the indians died to nature and illness. This caused people to now dislike him and made them want to turn from him. Jackson was also incharge of the Dred Scott decision which also made people not like him. He said that African Americans were not citizens of America and were just slaves. This caused people to like him more from the south but people from the north were mad at him for this. He then said in this choice that the rule could not be overturned which made him look overpowered. The whig party then formed to protest against his actions which they claimed he was acting as King James 1 and were not

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