Ischemic Stroke Essay

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Ischemic Stroke
Definition of the Disease The term cerebrovascular accident (CVA), or stroke, is a medical emergency with a sudden onset that can have devastating effects (Bansal, Pelino, Pizzimwnti, 2015). A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted (ischemia), or when a cerebral vessel ruptures and causes blood to bleed into the brain (hemorrhage). Both ischemia and hemorrhage cause brain cell death by depriving the brain of needed oxygen and nutrients. Damaged brain cells die and abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost (Cook, Clements, 2011). The World Health Organization defines stroke as “Rapidly developing clinical signs of focal or global disturbances of cerebral function lasting more than 24 hours with …show more content…

Mini strokes are a “transient episode of central nervous system tissue ischemia without infarction resulting in a neurological deficit, similar to those observed in an ischemic stroke lasting less than 24 hours” (Laborde, et al, 2012, p.1). Previous TIAs, can be a warning sign of an upcoming major CVA and should be taken seriously (Bansal, et al, 2015). When the cause of a stroke is undetermined it is said to be a cryptogenic stroke. Cryptogenic strokes make up 30-40% of all ischemic strokes (Kent, et al, …show more content…

Right brain damage will affect the left side of the body and cause paralysis, vision problems, a quick impulsive behavioral style, and memory loss. Left brain stroke causes patients to have right side paralysis, speech and language problems, a slow and cautious behavioral style and memory loss. Stroke that occurs in the brain stem may affect both sides of the body. When this occurs, the patient may be in a ‘locked-in’ state. This means that the person is unable to move below the neck and is mostly unable to speak (American Stroke Association,

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