Is Too Much Social Media Use Bad For Teen Health Summary

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Have you ever thought that teenagers spend most of their time on social media. You may think to yourself “that can’t possibly be good for them.” Well, you are correct. I agree with the article “Is Too Much Social Media Use Bad For Teen Health”, by Talah Al-Khatib, because social media does many bad things to teenagers and their brains. They may not realize all the bad things that happen to them while they are on social media but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Many people might argue that social media is a good thing for adolescents. People believe that social media helps teens figure out who they are and what they like. However, this is incorrect. Researchers from University of Glasgow say “social networking interactions led to poorer sleep quality, lower self-esteem and higher levels of anxiety.” This shows that many teens aren't helped by social media, but in fact dangered by things that could ruin how they feel about themselves and their everyday lives. So other studies done by researchers from Glasgow stated “Teens with lower self-esteem have a higher tendency to be depressed as adults.” This shows that social media will only ever bring a child down in life. …show more content…

Al-Khatib says “Teenagers especially can feel a sense of pressure to stay active online.” This sentence shows that many teens feel the pressure to stay online like everyone else. “That sense of obligation to be available and the emotional investment involved with maintaining that presence are affecting teens’ mental health,” found a study at the British Psychological Society. Most teens feel that they have the commitment to update people on what is happening in their lives instead of just enjoying it, which is decreasing their brain’s heath. Children don’t know how to have fun without social media anymore, which is terrible for them and their

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