Investigating the Relationship Between Height and Shoe Size

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Investigating the Relationship Between Height and Shoe Size

The height of all female girls in yr 7= 2175

The shoe sizes of all the girls in yr 7= 39

The height of all the male boys in yr 7= 2106

The shoe sizes of all the male boys in yr 7= 51

Finding the mean of all of year 7:

The mean height of the whole of year 7:

1- First you must add (+) all the girls and boys height together =


2- Then you must divide (/) by all the girls and boys in yr 7 = (30)

3- Then you must divide 4281 by 30 and the answer is = 142.7

4- The mean is = 142.7 (by 1dp)

To make sure answer is right= 4281/30=142.7

The mean of all girls and boys shoe size in year7:

1- first you must add (+) all the girls shoe sizes together =(90)

2- Then you must divide (/) by all the girls in yr 7 = (30)

3- Then you must divide 90 by 30 and the answer is = 3

4- The mean is =3

To make sure answer is right =129/30=3

Finding the median of all year 7:

Finding the median of height in all yr 7:

1- First you put the numbers in order by smallest to biggest=


and 154

2- Look for the middle numbers= 142 and 142

3- The median number of height is= 142

Finding the median of shoe sizes in all yr7:

1- First you put the numbers in order by smallest to

biggest=1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5 and


2- Look for the middle numbers= 3 and 3

3- The median number of shoe sizes is= 3

Finding the mode of year 7:

Finding the mode of height in all of year 7:

1- First you make list of all the numbers and mark every same number

with a different felt-tip.

2- Then count the number which is most common.

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