Interpersonal Therapy Case Study

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Of the psychotherapy theories, we have studied this quarter; I am inclined to like Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), it is one of the most efficient forms of psychotherapy for depression. It is also an adaptation for a broad range of disorders in various populations. It 's qualification for use in divergent treatment approach and it service is ubiquitous is cultural disparate. In IPT, the therapist focuses on the recovery from the current depressive episode by clarifying the relationship between onset of the client 's current depressive symptoms and interpersonal problems in fostering a relationship through communication and interacting allowing the client to be at ease. Treatment is time limited that encourages the client to regain normalcy of …show more content…

Client support emerges from one-month sessions in which the arrangements made throughout the course of the short-term IPT thus reinforced. The primary goal is to avoid the stress of expanded social interplay from preempting to the new experience of depression and auxiliary the present client capacity partly at the level when he or she was in regular sessions has ended. As well as actually addresses problems of grief and difficulties that a person may experience in his or her relationships with family (Wedding & Corsini). IPT also adequately addresses issues of pain and complications that a patient may suffer in his or her relationships with progeny and friends. The weakness of IPT has not conclusively proven to treat psychotic disorders. Another drawback of this form of interpersonal psychotherapy is that it is dependent on a client completing the 12-16 week course of treatment. If a person drops out of therapy before completing the recommended number of homework assignments, as well as treatment sessions, it is unlikely that he or she will take full advantage and find lasting relief from depressive …show more content…

These types encompass Cognitive Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Multimodal Therapy. For instance, an individual anguish from a quiet confidence that activates negative thoughts about his or her capacity or display. As a result of these patterns of negative thinking, the person might start averting social issues or passing up opportunities for advancement (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). Cognitive behavior therapy frequently adapted for clients who are comfortable with contemplation. For CBT to be efficient, the Client must be eager to evaluate his or her logic and feelings. Such rumination may be difficult, but it is an excellent way to acquire how internal states impact outward behavior. Cognitive behavior therapy is also appropriate for people looking for an interim alternative treatment that does not inevitably contain pharmacological medication. One of the assets of CBT that aid clients was developing coping strategies that may be beneficial both now and in the

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