Internet Dating Persuasive Essay: Doing The Right Eye Makeup

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If you're planning a night out with that oh-so-hot guy you met on an internet dating site (or even planning to take a new photo portrait for your internet dating profile), you want to attract all the positive attention you can. And while most men say the first thing they focus on is the breasts or the legs or the smile, your eyes say a heck of a lot more about you than your push-up bra does. And men notice them. Because while some men say they're into legs and others say they're into hair... all men are into eyes. Even if they don't realize it. But doing the right eye makeup for big, bold eyes can be difficult. If you have smallish eyes, you might be reluctant to put on a little extra eye makeup, thinking it might make your eyes look smaller. But if you do …show more content…

Legendary makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin once said that the one makeup tool he would never give up is an eyelash curler. Why? Because curled eyelashes really brighten and open up the eyes, making them look bigger and bolder. Don't feel like using a curler? Simply buy a curling mascara or mascara primer. Learn to "tightline". This is the last tip in this article, but it's one of the most important by far. Why? Because this method of applying eyeliner really makes your eyes stand out, but looks totally natural. You can even use it without mascara for a naturally beautiful look. And as a bonus, it's perfect for small-eyed girls, as the line is near-invisible and won't visually shrink the eye. What is tightlining? Essentially, tightlining is the application of a cake eyeliner (using a good-quality flat eyeliner brush) to the inner eyelid, right along the lash line. Because it blends perfectly with your lash line, "tightlined" eyeliner is more or less invisible to the eye. But it's bolder and more effective than traditional eyeliner application. While it takes a little practice to learn, this eyeliner application method is worth the extra effort. Especially if you're planning a night out on the

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