Dating Website Essay

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Care to know what I think about these dating websites?
Honestly, I have no patience to fill out all those silly profiles. My preferences are rather exotic: I’m a vegetarian, I enjoy classical music and, preferably, silence. I don’t dig blockbusters or Billboard hits. I have no games downloaded to my computer or cellphone. None. Maybe it’s because I’m over 50, who knows; and although I’m connected most of the time, I use the internet for work only. I usually don’t lie — a big disadvantage for online dating. I’m probably doomed if I start a conversation by admitting that I’m 5-feet tall and just reasonably fit (“at least for my age” spells disaster for sure); and worse, that I’m looking for a long-term relationship after two failed marriages (my latest husband and I met on the internet, in 1997).
“I am here, I am alive, I am …show more content…

For the record, my life is in dire straits. I’m alone, I rarely go out, I didn’t have sex for the last six years. Since I divorced Matthew, my last husband, I’ve been endlessly mourning our failed relationship, my twin-souls dream: dead and buried. I’ve sold my apartment, invested the money in a stock fund and moved in with my senile mother. She and I had never gotten along very well, but I thought it was better that way, an easier way to provide her the care she needs 24 hours a day. Her health has been increasingly deteriorating over the last few months, and even living with her does not do the trick. There’s never a free moment to

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