Informative Essay: The Confederate Flag

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The Confederate Flag
There has been a major controversy about whether or not people should be allowed to fly the Confederate flag. Well should they? What does the flag symbolize? What historical value does the flag have? The biggest question people seem to be asking, is the flag a symbol of racism?

What does the Confederate flag represent? The flag was a symbol of the South during the Civil War. Also known as the Confederacy and the soldiers were nicknamed the Rebels. The design of the Confederate flag shows a lot of religious symbolism. The red on the flag represents the blood of Christ, the white boarder represents the protection of God. The blue x on the flag represents the Christian Cross of Saint Andrews who was the first Disciple of Jesus Christ. The 13 stars on the flag represents the 13 states who succeeded from the nation during the Civil War, and the first 13 colonies of America.
What historical values does the Confederate flag have? For starters the Confederate flag was the first national flag of the Confederacy. Also the flag is the mark of our …show more content…

Well it was the battle flag for the slave states. The color guard of the ku Klux klan does carry the flag. But people need to understand that every race has been through slavery by many different countries who’s flags are still the same so maybe we should ban those flags as well because they also can be titled as offensive. Also that there many extremist in the world that ruin everyone else’s opinion about a harmless flag.

The Confederate flag has religious roots, historical values, and is a symbol for men who fought for our constitutional rights. It was good that slavery was abolished but war was not the answer. Even though the flag is carried by the KKK does not mean the flag should be hated, the extremist who call themselves the KKK who say they truly believe that they are Christians, need to stop all of the hate, because in the bible God teaches us to love one

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