Influence of Temperature on the Activity of Potato Catalase

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Influence of Temperature on the Activity of Potato Catalase Hypothesis That the higher the temperature the higher the reaction rate of potato catalyse to a point were denaturing occurs in the enzyme and the reaction rate of the potato catalase drops off. Prediction The rate of Catalase activity will be faster at higher temperatures until a point, because at higher temperatures there are more chances of collisions between the enzyme's (Catalase) active site and the substrate (hydrogen peroxide). However the rate depends on the active site being able to join with the substrate, and at higher temperatures the enzyme can be denatured, which changes the shape of the active site which thus prevents the reaction from happening. At first, as the temperature increases the activity of the Potato catalase also increases this is because the collision rate of the enzyme with the hydrogen peroxide is increased. The reason for this is that as you increase the temperature of the enzyme and the substrate molecules you also increase the energy in the form of kinetic energy which they possess. Because the enzymes and substrate molecules are moving faster the chance of them colliding in a certain time and area is increased. Thus the chance of the hydrogen peroxide molecules binding with the Catalase molecules active site and reacting is higher. However after a certain point increasing the temperature will begin to hinder the activity of the potato catalase. The reason for this is that the energy being supplied to the enzyme begins to effect its stability. The energy supplied begins to make the atoms which make up the enzyme move and vibrate rapidly, at a certain point the enzyme atoms are vibrating at such a rate that the bonds that hold the active site together, such as the disulphide and hydrogen bonds are broken and the shape of the active site changed. This is vital as the Hydrogen peroxide substrate can no longer bind with the catalase enzyme and react. The activity of the catalase is dependent on the balance of increasing

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