Industrial Revolution Essay

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The Anthropocene marks a point in time where human activities were able to greatly alter the environment, some historians believe that it marked the point in time where the industrial revolution began (1700CE to 1900CE). The Industrial revolution essentially was mankind’s breakthrough into modernity, the rapid advancements in technology and the utilisation of fossil fuels gave man a seemingly infinite supply of energy that could be used to transform manual processes into automated ones which was a massive game changer for the manufacturing, communications and transportation industries.(1) Historians have often been perplexed by the fact that the industrial revolution began in Great Britain and quickly spread throughout Europe, but did not develop in any other regions around the world, which is odd because we have seen such equally important advancements in fields like agriculture which developed in various places around the world independently because it was an important new source of energy that was needed to sustain larger communities. (2) This paper will focus on the circumstances of Great Britain how the revolution spread throughout Europe and why the revolution didn’t occur in the relatively advanced country of China. Great Britain before the Industrial Revolution Prior to the Industrial Revolution Great Britain was a relatively advanced country with a small population compared to China, workers had relatively high living standards when compared to Asian workers.(3) Britains economy before the revolution was strong, business restrictions were virtually nonexistent with most companies being free enterprises and the government often backed local business through the funding of projects. (3) The strong economy of Britain and th... ... middle of paper ... ...erimental science, instead they relied on experience for their advancements. The Chinese did not have a scientific revolution because the governing body did not encourage intellectuals to invest the manpower and resources needed for scientific research.(8) Ultimately the reason why the Industrial Revolution occurred in Britain was circumstantial it merely had the right conditions at play at the right time, the relatively relaxed government, trade routes and investment in education is what ultimately made Britain very successful and the home of industrialization. Unfortunately for the Chinese who were great innovators for their time could not adapt quickly and didn’t have the conditions needed for such a revolution. The large population size and lack of education where the main contributing factors that killed any chance of a scientific and industrial revolution.

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