Industrial Revolution Dbq

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The Industrial Revolution refers to the major change that happened in the manufacturing process in the 18th century. These changes that covered many branches first appeared in Britain. Britain was the world’s first industrial economy, in fact, the process of industrialization began in Britain. This process was greatly advanced during the second part of the eighteenth century. These innovations were centered mainly in two sectors cotton textiles and ironmaking. The technological success of Brittan lays in the positive factors that they had such as generation of innovative technological ideas and implementing the same. Nonetheless, the British were very good at implementing ideas, in fact, many of the ideas that they had happened to implement …show more content…

Different approaches and different views have brought different conclusions and arguments. Neither can be argued to be as hundred percent right or wrong, but instead, each and every contributed to a better understanding of the Industrial Revolution and the period in which it appeared. Many would have argued that the British success in the Industrial revolution mainly relied on the geographical factors. Mineral wealth, precisely coal, and iron have played a role in their success in the industrial revolution, and what caused the industrial revolution to appear there and not for example in the Dutch Republic. Nevertheless, even though geographical factors are important they are not entirely responsible. In order for the goods and services to be produced the country has to have something else going. However, it can be stated that geography, after all, played a certain part regarding the Industrial Revolution to happen exactly there. Britain being an island has never been as abused by warfare as some other country like for example Belgium or Poland. Concluding, that they never actually had to spend large sums in order to protect …show more content…

And it is argued that the poor laws, in fact, have had some positive effects on the Industrial Revolution, Due to this were the English enabled to take risks, whereas, in Ireland who didn’t have the formal system of poor relief before 1838,the starvation was still possible.This was important in cases when manufacturing workers had to be laid off. Where in England the manufacturing worker can be allowed to take off period during business slumps without the fear that the workers could starve in Ireland the situation was different , the employers had to pay the workers during these periods or they risked the chance of losing them. This is one of the major advantages of the system and relatively here lays the connection with the Industrial revolution and the

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