Incommunicable Attributes Of God

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One of the most hotly debated topics in the world is whether or not their is a God.With about 32 percent of the world's entire population calling themselves Christians, it is essential for people to understand who the God of Christianity is in order to make a decision for themselves. One's believes about God will determine their reaction to God, so God's attributes and relationship with humanity is something that must be understood. The aesity of God is one of his most important attributes, and the attribute from which many of his other attributes stem. The attributes of God are divided into two categories, communicable and incommunicable. A communicable attribute is one that is implicitly stated about God in the Bible. An incommunicable attribute …show more content…

God, being the creator, is completely independent and self-sufficient. While this concept is a incommunicable attribute of God there are various scriptural evidences with point to the self-sufficiency of God. Psalm 90:2 refers to God's eternal existence, both past and future, and his eternal glory. God does not need man in order to exist, nor is his purpose to receive the glory mankind gives him. The most referred to scripture when it comes to the aesity of God is Acts 17:25. In the context of this verse Paul is talking to the people in Athens about their idol to an unknown god. The Greeks believed in many imperfect gods, each with fickle natures and almost impossible to please. Paul tells them of a God who cannot be served by human hands, needing nothing from them. The verse uses the greek word therapeuō for served, encompassing not only physically serving God, but worship of God as well. God doesn't need works, sacrifice, or worship. God is constant and unchangeable, and service to him is a response of the heart, not a response to the necessity of God. This is a stark contrast to the gods that the people of Athens had known. God doesn't need glory, or companionship with humanity, in John 17:24 we see that the trinity experienced glory together before even the creation of the earth. God does not need the glory or approval of mankind as man does, finding their identities in how fellow men define them. God needs …show more content…

The story of the gospel becomes significantly more potent when viewed through the lens of God's independence. God needed nothing, yet he created man, giving him all of the beauty and wonder found in creation. Man rejected God, yet God seeker the heart of man continually, redeeming man over and over again throughout scripture. Eventually God gave the ultimate sacrifice, allowing His Son to die on the cross so that sin would no longer separate him from those who believed in Him. God's independence and self-sufficiency means that his sole motivation throughout the Bible is love. Only an indescribable, inexplicable, uncontainable, ferocious love for a seemingly hopeless mankind could motivate the God of the Christian

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