Importance Of Record Keeping Essay

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Record keeping is a very important part of a teacher’s role. Schools and teachers keep records for the purpose of teaching and enhancing the learning process. Teachers need to keep effective records for every student. It allows both the teacher and learner to reassess the teaching and learning relationship. Without a well maintained system of record keeping for student examination and test performance there will be nothing to build on the progress of the student. Records provide a long term profile of achievement for each pupil. Through regular record keeping the teacher is able to identify which student needs more help, guidance and support. It helps the teacher understand what they need to do next to improve their work. In other words, whether …show more content…

Some teachers prefer to keep all of the information they have gathered about students in individual student folders. Folders can contain multiple assessments and can be used when a parents ‘teacher meeting is held. These folders could be passed on to the next teacher who would be handling the students in the new class therefore that teacher would know how to plan her lessons based on the assessment records. Another way of maintaining records is using the record of achievement, this records the students’ academic performance on a weekly, monthly or on a term basis. It helps monitor students’ academic …show more content…

By using several assessments and record keeping tools, teachers can make better evaluations of individual student progress. An important purpose achieved, teachers are able to communicate with parents about the progress their children are making and show authentic evidence of student work to prove what their saying. The records of assessment that are maintained are valuable information for teachers to use when working with students throughout the year and helping them achieve their learning

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