Importance Of Nature In Ancient Egyptian Culture

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The Importance and Significance of Nature in the Egyptian Mythology Culture

The Egyptian Culture heavily focuses on the importance of nature. In many ways the Egyptians show their love for nature that we can track down all the way to 3100 B.C. There is no other culture revolved around nature more than ancient Egypt. We are able to track down these strong beliefs through art and other ancient artifacts that Egyptians dedicated to gods and goddesses that resemble half animal, half human like forms. They believed that nature would and could affect the soul and reveal the inner being of one's heart. Not only did Egyptians show the importance of nature through religion they also worshipped and believed that certain plants and landscapes were protect and or symbolize different gods and goddesses. They believed that animals held amazing power and open up the world of spirit.
Most of the nature aspects of Egyptian Mythology is revolved around the Gods and Goddesses that they worship, with over 1,400 Gods and Goddesses most of them are some sort of animal form. For example the God of the dead, Anubis, is half dog half human. Another example is Goddess Bastet, Goddess of protection, is half cat. Another good example would be the Goddess Tawaret, she is the protector of pregnant women. She is …show more content…

They were described has the life sources for god's, people, plants and animals. When animals like vultures open their wings to the sun or crocodiles face the sun with open jaws, they believed it was an act of prayer. They also believed that the sun god, Ra, would push himself through the flowers and make them rise and unfold. They believed this could happen to people as well. The Nile river was a very sacred river. Its annual rise was seen as very graceful. It was represented as Osiris, a green faced god of fertility and in some regions also represented as a part male part female man with sagging

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