Geography Of Ancient Egypt

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Location and Nile Egypt is situated in the Nile valley in the north east of Africa. Ancient Egypt included two regions a southern region, and northern region. The southern region is called Upper Egypt, and the northern region was called Lower Egypt. The life around Ancient Egypt centers on the Nile River and the fertile land around the banks of the river. Farmers created an irrigation system to control the water flow, so the crops can grow in both the rainy and dry seasons. This irrigation system made a surplus in crops. Religion Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses. Some of the gods they worshiped were Ra the sun god, Isis the god of nature and magic, Horus the god of war and Osiris the god of the dead. The act of worshiping many gods is called polytheism. The Egyptians had a god for almost everything. …show more content…

Because of the fertile nature of the Nile valley farmers were able to produce a large surplus to fit the needs of the pharaoh, his court, his officials, the priest and all the other people of the elite or rather higher up in power. Agriculture- farming in Egypt was completely depended on the Nile River. If you were to go a couple miles farther away from the Nile River you would see nothing but bone dry desert so the Nile was very important to the Egyptians. Flooding season lasted from June to September, depositing a layer of silt beside the river. After the flooding season was over growing season lasted from October to February Egypt had very little rain fall so farmers made canals and ditches to the field. Society-Peasants and farmers made up the bulk of the population however the land was owned by the pharaoh or one of the temples which were very wealthy. Peasants were also subjected to tax labor and were at times required to do public projects such as irrigation or construction

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