Importance Of Following Orders In The Military

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Following orders is of the utmost importance in the military. Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner which is clearly very important during challenging military situations. occur

First of all, orders are important in helping Marines maintain a balance between their freedom, society's expectations and the good order of the Marine Corps. This does not mean that a Marine is expected to blindly follow any orders. A Marine is required to namely only obey only lawful orders, which is measured in the following terms: the more ordinary the order is, the clearer it is that it is a lawful order which affirms the importance of obeying it for the Marine. Unlawful orders include for example the task of committing or concealing a crime, which Marines are trained to correct and react accordingly to. Even the exception of not being held accountable if the order is unlawful is extremely limited to prevent chances of abuse. The military law is clear cut on its position regarding the affair of disrespect of authority and disobedience in the military through its brief but outspoken affirmation that the act of disobedience occurs "at the peril of the subordinate". Marines can therefore not disobey an order merely because it is in conflict with their conscience.

While an individual can question the notion of obedience in daily life, this luxury is often not available in the military where the grand goals and aims require smooth internal functioning and hierarchical coordination.Not following orders is not an optional choice that recruits can’t make upon joining the Marine Corps. The act of disobedience is considered to be an infractions and a person who placed himself in such a situation can find himse...

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...been trained to treat soldiers equally and promote discipline through enforcing orders. Insubordination is not tolerated as it can affect a military unit and destroy all existing discipline. Hence, the restrictions that apply to the permission of disobedience are extremely narrow in the military. Commanders are aware that the sanctioning of a soldier's laziness one day, and the permission of sloppy work habits on another, distorts the uniformity of the military unit specifically and the military in general. The quality of leadership and followership declines and affects the overall standard of the military as a result. It is therefore of crucial importance to maintain the standards set by the military with regard to following orders and showing one's respect, trustworthiness, honesty and commitment to the work. This is simply not a negotiable aspect of military life.

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