Importance And Importance Of Research Methodology

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The Importance and Appropriateness of Utilizing Different Methodologies for Research. Introduction The process of research entails the logical as well as systematic search for useful data and information with regard to a specific topic (Jha, 2008). It is also comprised of the investigation of the best, most cost effective and appropriate solutions to both social and scientific issues, following an objective and logical analysis. Jha, (2008) defines research as the search for knowledge and the discovery of the truth. During this process, the data can be gathered from a wide pool of sources among them interviews, books, nature among others.The data can then be analyzed with the appropriate data analysis tools, so as to report the findings The methodology enabled the researcher to offer more insight into the issue of housing and health and helped further in the development of ideas as well as hypotheses for the quantitative research. The researcher used the qualitative methodology to uncover the trends witnessed in the housing and health realm mostly through thought and opinions which enabled him to delve more into the issue (Chilisa,2012). The main data collection techniques used by the researcher included observations and interviews. These set of techniques ensured that the data collected was direct form the source increasing its validity . The first journal article made use of the qualitative methodology. The research team used this approach with the aim of quantifying the issue of housing and health through the generation of numerical data that was transformed into statistics. The researcher, by using this methodology, attempted to quantify not only the attitudes, but the behaviors as well as opinions and other variables of the sample population and generalized the results to the real By choosing the research methodology, the researchers can formulate the path to be used in conducting the study and reporting the findings. The methodology helps in the search of literature, development of research questions and the creation of the most suitable study design. It also assists in the interpretation of the results and the publication of the findings in journals. References. Jha, N. (2008). Research methodology . Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications. Barton, A., Basham, M., Foy, C., Buckingham, K., & Somerville, M.

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