Impact Of The Market Revolution In 1800

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Around the year 1800, there are some significant political, economic, and social changes. These changes affected Americans significantly. Americans in nineteenth century described that freedom is the most important character of their country. Freedom was connected with economic and democracy but it is also influenced by the slavary system. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the Market Revolution was famous in America. It was an economic revolution marked by industrialization, improvements in transportation, and expansion. People had difficulties selling their production because of the poor transportation and many family lived in the self-sufficient mode. However, this problem was solved because of the invention of the steamboat, …show more content…

Railroads opened new areas as settlement and stimulated the mining and manufacture. At the same time, the telegraph appeared. It brought uniform price of the country. Because of these improvements, many people migrated to west. The market revolution and westward expansion heightened the nation’s sectional divisions. The most dynamic feature of the American economy in the beginning of the nineteenth century was the rise of the Cotton Kingdom. But the increasing demand of cotton lead to larger number of slaves. For white people, westward expansion was a chance to get more freedom, but for black people, it means that they would have less freedom and their families will be broken. In the north, Market Revolution turned it to commercial system. Farmers focus on producing crops and livestocks. In some industries, the factory superseded traditional craft production. Both men and women could earn money by taking jobs from factories. Market Revolution changed the time concept of Americans. In cities, time of work and relax is divided clearly. Early New England textile mills largely relied on female and child labor. …show more content…

Rhode Island which is the only one state adopted a new state constitution that all white men had the right to vote. Tocqueville, who was French writer, identified democracy as an essential attribute of American freedom, but the democracy was limited. Blacks and women still had low status. Despite increased democracy in America, blacks were seen as a separate group. The War of 1812 revealed that United States still was not a truly integrated nation. “In 1815, President James Madison put forward a blueprint for government-promoted economic development that came to be known as the American System” (Foner P286). This plan based on a New national bank, Tariffs and Federal financing for better roads and canals. However, the Bank of the United States didn’t regulate the currency and loans effectively. The Panic of 1819 disrupted the political harmony of the previous years. Fearing that Spain would try to regain its colonies, Adams drafted the Monroe Doctrine in1832. It reflected American nationalism, but “sectionalism seemed to rule domestic politics” (Foner P291. Andrew Jackson was the only candidate in the 1824 election to have national appeal, but None of the four candidates received a majority of the electoral votes. Henry Clay supported John Quincy Adams and helped him to win the voting. During the Age of

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