Immigration Argumentative Essay

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There is a strong debate in our society about immigration: whether it helps our economy or hurts it. Immigration laws should not be as strictly enforced as they’re trying to make them be. Immigrants are a working part of society, and they’re taxpayers just like me and you. Although many immigrants have little knowledge and have poverty level incomes, they are hard workers who truly do help the economy, and if people want to point fingers and blame someone they should point fingers at the big companies. It keeps our work force strong. It keeps our work force (ANAPHORA) healthy and hard working. If someone truly wants to work, then they will get off their lazy bums and get up and do something. The people complaining are the ones who just sit …show more content…

One thing I know everyone sees is these immigrants shaving the grass (Catachresis) for little to no pay at all. That brings up another point immigrants don’t grow up with all the joys Americans do. Don’t take this out of context and think im saying every American has an amazing life because im not. I just feel Americans have more joys in their lives than immigrants do because they can travel and see the world. Big companies are the ones pulling immigrants in because they promise them high pay. Immigrants aren’t as demanding as American workers because they don’t have better opportunities. These companies don’t have to give immigrants any kind of benefits like they do American workers. Immigrants are cheap slave labor for big companies. Once they find cheaper labor from other immigrants they just throw out the current workers and hire the cheaper labor. The big guys are the ones making the profits and hurting the American workers not the immigrants. Immigrants are just jumping at a chance for work to support their families. Big companies aren’t the only ones taking advantage of immigrants. An immigrant can’t go out and buy a brand new state-of-the-art car from a

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