Comparing Today's Immigration To The United States

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Today's immigrants have it better than those who have come before them. The immigrants in this day of age can come from all over the world compared to just a little over a century ago, where most of the people came mainly from Europe. Although from places such as Asia, Africa, and South America, there was little to no immigration. The reason for this would have to be quotas set by the Congress commision in 1907. They set quotas for most countries in Europe for people to become citizens of the United States while giving little to no allowances for people from other countries. Even when the immigrants came to the United States, most of them stayed in the cities where a majority of the jobs were. While the immigrants did get jobs, they were jobs that the native-born citizens did not want to do. Also, immigrants did not get paid nearly as much as their native-born counterpart. Living conditions were weak in the city where most of the buildings were overcrowded and lacked the proper plumbing, light, and ventilation for the tenants that lived in those buildings. Compared to today's immigrants that come to the United States; we have a set minimum wage that is configured for everybody that lives here and that there safety codes in place to make …show more content…

Their directive in the earlier days of their service was "to detect and prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States." and that directive is still the same today, but with some changes. The attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001, some changes were made to that directive. Now they also look for terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, as well as other dangerous weapons, drugs, and anything that can be smuggled across the border. The increase of drug cartels in Mexico has had to make the agents more aware of might be approaching dangers that approach our

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