Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Illegal immigration is a one one the fastest growing problem in the United States as well as world wide. By the past presidents rarely addressing the problem it has grown to far out of control. To where there are hundreds of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day. Ted Cruz one of the republican presidential canadates states that “We have a serious immigration problem in America. The American people understood that we must reverse the policies that invite criminals and terrorists to defy the law, allow manipulation of our generous immigration system, and reward illegal immigrants for the actions.” Where president Obama has not even thought about solving this problem in the past four year as president of the United States of America. …show more content…

Both of them want to build a wall or fence along the United States and Mexico border. The fence or wall will not cover the entire border but it will cover more than half of it. The fence or wall will only be 700 miles long and only seven feet tall with two wires of barbed wire on the top of the fence or wall. Even though it will only cover part of the border it will cover the Texas and Mexican border which is the heaviest attacked spot along the border. There is already a chain link fence along the California and Mexican border. That is also one of the heaviest traveled place along the border. Having two of the heaviest traveled spot will cut down tramindously on immigration. It will also allow us to narrow the area down. Allowing the border patrol to catch more …show more content…

He is a man you speaks his mind and does not care what he says or what others think about the subject. One thing that most everyone agrees on with Trump is his plan for illegal immigration. His first plan is to build a fence and deploy 25,000 additional border agents. Trump said “there has been mediocre success rates of the current crop of virtual fence that have been developed and tested.” His second plan is to enforce the immigration laws. Third plan is no more cozy detention centers “these centers are vacation resorts for illegal aliens.” His fourth plan is to oppose the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act stands for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors is an American legislative proposal for a multi-phase process for undocumented immigrants in the United States that would first grant conditional residency and upon meeting further qualifications, permanent residency. His fifth plan is no future tuition benefits. “Far too many American students pay more than illegal aliens, who receive generous taxpayers subsidies and lower in state tuition rates. Trump would stop this immidiatly. What do you think about Donald Trump’s 5 point plan to stop illegal immigration.

Bernie Sanders on Immigration. “Since the implementation of NAFTA, the number of Mexicans living below the poverty line has increased by over 14 million people. Almost 2 million small farmers have been displaced. And in the twenty years since NAFTA growth in per

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