Hydropathy Essay

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During the nineteenth century a variety of alternative medical traditions became popular in the United States. There was a shift in how people began to view their physical, mental, and emotional health. A type of alternative medicine that quickly became popular in the United States and Europe was the tradition of hygeiotherapy. This form of treatment included hydropathy a type of water-cure treatment and combined that with exercise, dietary reform, sexual restraint, and any behaviors that were viewed as unhealthy.
The older tradition of “taking the waters” dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, a time when baths were regularly used by citizens and hygiene was held in high regard. The belief that water had many natural benefits for the body, mind, and soul was not a new one. Taking the waters had a long history in European medicine and water was viewed as having healing qualities for numerous conditions. The resurgence in the idea of water having a wide range of healing powers came from a man named Vincent Priessnitz, who lived 1799-1851. Priessnitz is thought to be the first to create the blueprints for water therapy, which he named hydropathy. Once opening a hydropathic institution people traveled from all around the world for its supposed healing abilities and not long after this practice of water therapy became known around the world. Soon enough similar institutions focusing on water therapy began to open around Europe and spread to America. Hydropathy attracting a wide range of people in all classes of society. This practice was not only attracting ordinary citizens but also those from the higher classes of European and American society.
The mid nineteenth century there was a transformation in hydropathy. The ...

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...he human body. The variety of alternative medical traditions that arose separately from the established mainstream medical system shows the unique aspect of the United States. A country where so many different people from around the world come to live, new ideas and cultural norms become established. Different trends have the tendency to sweep across the country one year and the next year can completely disappear. The alternative medical tradition of hygeiotherapy was a popular trend that engulfed the nation and sparked the belief that having good hygiene, eating healthy foods, and exercising daily helps strengthen the body, mind and soul. Hygeiotherapy played an important role in how medicine and health was viewed by many people of all classes of society and provided people with a new approach of taking preventative measure to ensure they live a healthy life.

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