Husband And Wife Difference In Response To Undesirable Life Events

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Husband and Wife Difference in Response to Undesirable Life Events The journal titled “Husband and Wife Differences in Response to Undesirable Life Events” is the study of 451 married couples living in the rural Midwest. Gender differences were examined; (men and women) were in reports of exposure and vulnerability to specific types of undesirable life events. One can say the hypothesis of this study could be, “husbands and wives reactions are different when exposed to the same types of undesirable life events; men in the sample of husbands and wives would be more likely than women to demonstrate symptoms of distress indicative of evident antisocial behavior when strike with financial problems, it is describe in these analyses as hostile behaviors or feelings. Women, on the other hand, are expected to report higher levels of depression, anxiety, or somatic complaints. This study is an example of quantitative method of research with some qualitative affiliation. …show more content…

The article examined 451 married couples and the discussions are focus on men and women hence there may be a statistical analysis in conclusion to weigh how many and the percentage of men or women that handle stress in various forms. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry used in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences. It is stated in the article that “men’s emotional well-being (depression and anxiety) was more strongly influenced by work-related stressors while women were more responsive to stresses involving social relationships”. Using a psychiatric measure of affective or anxiety

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