How to develop Self-confidence in a Child

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“Thesis Statement”

“New parents can help to develop positive Self-confidence in their child by meeting their child’s need quickly, giving the child physical comfort and contact, talking gently with the child and interacting with the child.”

Key points how to build Self-confidence in child

• Giving unconditional love

• Provide appropriate attention

• Provide Encouragement

• Celebrate the positive


“How to build child Self-confidence”?



“Self-confidence comes from having sense of belonging, knowing that we are capable and knowing your contribution are valued and worthwhile.” As any parents knows that Self-confidence is last very short time. Sometime we feel good about and we don’t. Your goal as parents is to ensure that your child develop pride and Self-respect in himself as well as faith in his ability to handle life’s challenges.

• Pay attention: Curve out time to give your child undivided attention. That does wonders for your child self-worth because it sends the message that you think that he is important a...

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