How to Prevent Cancer

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Cancer Prevention
1. Introduction
There are many people in the world that are afraid of getting sick. People fear in developing fatal sickness in their lifetime. Cancer-the big C—will often top the list. Brody,H.(2011). Cancer Prevetion.Nature,471(7339). Patients that have been diagnosed with cancer and are using treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery have already had their cancer progressed. In order to avoid such conditions, people need to be pro active and often check themselves. In order to prevent and develop cancer it is recommended by cancer specialists to follow up with medical visits every so often. Although both male and female have potential of acquiring cancer. There are multiple ways one can prevent cancer and that is to improve diet, increase ones activity, avoid carcinogens, and perform cancer screenings. Who usually acquire cancer? Male or female? People with low education are the ones to have cancer due to having not insurance.
I. Literary Review
Cancer is a term that is used to call diseases where cells divide into abnormal cells causing excessive cells to invade other tissues. The excessive cell causes tumors. The tumors can become benign tumors which aren’t cancerous. The tumor that is classified as malignant is considered cancerous. Men and women need to be informed about cancer and how to prevent it. The population should be educated on what steps you need to take to prevent from obtaining cancer. Men and women should be aware of prevention strategies to ensure they are free from any type of cancer. Are people fully aware on how to fight or prevent cancer ?
II. Introduction of hypothesis
Men and women should be more aware of cancer awareness and become educated on how often they should b...

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... with high paying jobs. For those who aren’t educated, there are most likely unemployed or low income jobs with no medical insurance; therefore they are not likely to be screened for cancer checkups. Women are more likely to acquire cancer moreover men.
According to a publication in HINTS, online communication between patients are health care providers increased in 2002, it quickly rose to 9.6% in 2005 and 13.5% in 2008.Commuication about cancer is steadily increasing on email and the source of cancer while using the internet to be informed in gradually increasing. People with low incomes are likely to have to communication with no one regarding cancer prevention. Adults with higher education are most likely aware of cancer screenings and communications. According to HINTS, 64% of graduates from college seek information white 59.8% individuals have not.

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