Socioeconomic Status And Health Essay

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The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Prostate Health Disparities in cancer are caused by the complex interaction of low economic status, culture, and social injustice, with poverty playing the dominant role (Freeman, 2004). So I ask the question: Does socioeconomics impact a man’s prostate health? Most men cannot tell where their prostate is located or what it looks like, so when it comes to knowing how it should feel and gauges of bad prostate health they are unfortunately ignorant of their own status. Unfortunately, socioeconomic status (SES) also effects prostate health in as much as it effects health care and health quality as a whole. The general consensus is that those who are poor are typically unable to afford healthcare, so those who do have healthcare through the state avoid major medical treatment for fear of not being able to afford what their insurance doesn’t cover. Likewise, those without insurance usually avoid medical appointments all together until major pain or illness consumes them. Socioeconomic status (SES) is linked to several factors that may collectively influence the burden of prostate cancer, including lifestyle and environmental risk …show more content…

For these reasons, minorities often put off the expense of seeing a doctor until they have advanced disease and are past being easily treated. A lack of education, rural or inner city residence, unemployment, and low literacy rate may also contribute to higher cancer mortality rates for some communities. In several studies researchers investigates whether socioeconomic status is the reason for the disparity in prostate cancer incidence, where African Americans and Non- Hispanic Whites are the top two candidates for prostate cancer. Some results found that the highest level of cancer incidence was positively correlated with low socioeconomic status (Cheng, et al.,

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