Living Downstream Chapter Summary

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Now that I am halfway through Sandra Steingraber’s book, Living Downstream, I feel that I have a pretty strong idea as to what her main point is (or the theme): there are many pesticides and chemicals that are in our environment that are linked to cancer many health issues, but more specifically cancer. Furthermore, her main message is to say what we don’t know about our environment and the chemicals in the air could be killing us. She focuses on the changes between back then and now, and the different carcinogens that have been put into the environment over time. I think the chapter that helps to support her main point the most is chapter four titled “Space.” In this chapter, she discussed a great deal about the geographic distribution of cancer as well as the environment of the people who are more likely to get cancer. This includes: job type, living location, and living surroundings. To expand on each, she states that workers with …show more content…

Membranes are involved in Cystic Fibrosis when it comes to the genes that are prone to the disease. In a regular functioning body, the CFTR gene helps make the channel that transports charged chloride ions into and out of cell membranes. In a body with cystic fibrosis, the chloride channels don’t function properly, and do not allow chloride ions into and out of the cell membranes, causing the thick mucus (as mentioned earlier) to be produced. The concentration gradients are involved when it comes to moving these molecules and ions across the cell membranes with passive and active transport. Passive transport substances move down concentration gradients while active transport substances move against their concentration gradients (keep in mind this is in a healthy functioning body). With cystic fibrosis, there is a defect in the transport protein, which does not move through the concentration gradient

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