How My Summer Concert Changed My Life

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It was the winter of fifth grade, and my life was just as boring as usual. The year started off just as the years previous: the teachers were nice, but then they worked me very hard. I was a smart kid, fairly tall, and a cellist. Soon, the orchestra began its rehearsals and lessons. I was content with this, but it did not feel right. Mrs. K, the orchestra director, helped me make the change to bass that, ultimately, changed my life.
Mrs. K suggested that I switch to playing the bass before that winter concert. As a result, I would be able to be prepared for the spring concert. I decided to continue with her idea, since I liked the bass when I was picking an instrument. After a week, the bass I ordered, and its lesson book, came in. I started practice immediately. Mrs. K taught me all that I needed to know to play our concert music. I rapidly picked up the basics; I soon joined the orchestra in rehearsals for the winter concert. To my surprise, Mrs. K told me that I would be able to participate in the performance! Weeks passed, and our ensemble kept improving. The concert loomed in the near future, and the dress rehearsal was the next day, but I was sure that it would go smoothly. …show more content…

All the hard work I had put in this far was going to reflect on my actions that night. The concert began around seven o’ clock. We had a brief warm up, but the pressure did not let up. We walked onto the stage. The curtain was up, but I could hear the crowd waiting. Soon, the lights dimmed, the curtains opened, and stage lights burned into my face. We began our selection of music, and the crowd applauded after each song. Once we finished our section of the concert, the crowd stood up and cheered. I felt proud of myself, and the whole orchestra. This concert showed me that I love music, and “started” my “career” as it is

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