How Is The Klu Klux Klan Justified

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The Klu Klux Klan The Klu Klux Klan was known for many things, one among them torture. They were an extreme terrorist group that did many things just to make the lives of different races terrible. Also, they held cross burnings and lynchings of black people. They justified their cruelty with passages from the Bible, and with their tainted ideas of morality. The KKK demonstrated that they thought they were superior over other races by terrorizing blacks and justified it through the Bible. Many ruthless terror tactics were used to torture blacks, like lynching, mass murder, and torturing them by kicking them out of all political matters. One quote that proves this is, ¨Members of all of these groups became targets of KKK harassment, which now included torture and whippings.” (¨Klu Klux Klan¨). The KKK was ruthless towards blacks because the quote states that they tortured and whipped them. Another quote was “The Klan was particularly effective in systematically keeping black men away from the polls, so that the ex-Confederates gained political control in …show more content…

To them, the thought of racial equality was immoral because it violated God’s Plan.” (Bartoletti). They used what they thought about God as a justification for the things that they were doing, and they thought that what they were doing was right and justified. Another quote that proves this is “The group, which proclaimed its mission to be "racial purity," grew in number and became national, electing some of their members to public office in many states (and not just Southern states).” (Ed. Carson and Bonk). The KKK thought that getting rid of blacks was the right thing to do. They justified themselves by calling it “racial purity” and thought it did right by their

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