The KKK was a White Supremacy Group Who Targeted and Attacked Others

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Central Idea: The KKK was a white supremacy group who targeted and attacked others

Pattern of Organization: Topical


Have you ever been judgmental? Maybe to the point of being racist? Everyone has had his or her judging moments. We may even have distinct looks or actions that could show that we are judging. African Americans, who were freed, had new rights, like the right to vote. People, mainly whites, were opposed to African Americans having those rights and then the KKK was formed. The KKK was a white supremacist group that wanted whites to be the dominant race. It sounds very similar to Hitler and his want of an Aryan race, which included Germans who were tall, blond, with blue eyes. The KKK did not only target African Americans but they targeted practically anyone who was not white. They were the most brutal white supremacist group.

Speech Outline:

I. Background

A. Discrimination/Racism

1. They used violence and terror to frighten freed African Americans to prevent them from taking advantage of their new rights, especially the right to vote.

2. Win white dominance by democratic wins in the south.

3. Targeted foreigners, Jews, Catholics, and organized labor

B. Whites Only

1. Common belief in inequality and separate interests of races, desire to promote the interests of the white race.

2. “ Keep America American” -KKK

3. Picture


II. Body/Story

A. How it began and some events that occurred

1. Founded in 1866 and was at its peak in the 1920’s

A. Founded in Pulaski Tennessee by past Confederate veterans

B. They created the “Invisible Empire of the South”

C. I...

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...ed in Atlanta Georgia in 1915 and they were revived because some were scared of a communist revolution.

2. They broke off in 1944 because they didn’t have many membership ranks in the Great Depression. But quickly came back in the 1960s during the civil rights movement.

D. End

1. They were condemned in 1965


IV. Importance to 1920’s Culture

A. Part of the change in society

B. Race was not only the target but also restoration

C. Shows ignorance and insecurity/struggle with society views


The KKK was a brutal racist group, with a hierarchy to fulfill their goal of restoring white supremacy. They reached their highest peak at the 1920’s and continued to decline, ending in 1944 and condemned in 1965.

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