How Do Superhero Shows Have A Negative Influence On Children

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Television has more common in everyday life of the 21st-century. Children are mostly affected by influential brainwashing and become exposed to anything that is publicized on TV. The average child between the ages of two and five watch more than 32 hours of television a week , While children between the ages of 6 to 8 are watching only 28 hours television a week most likely because they are in school. Kids that are watching more television spend less time playing with other children and end up lacking social interaction. This could result in impaired social skills. Toddlers and young babies under the age of two are developing at a rapid pace to their senses their senses. They are also interacting with their environment so they are an easy target …show more content…

Thought it is not proven that all children watch cartoons, the vast majority are influenced by these type of programs verses those from documentaries.
Television shows like cartoon stations, superhero movies or doll like series. These type of programs display violence, supernatural characteristics and things of sexual nature. Children are learning more about these topics rather than educational subjects.
Superhero shows typically contain a plot that has to do with a protagonist fighting off an antagonist, some put out the perception that violence is normal and okay. Young girls often watch shows that include doll like characters in them where the female being is over-sexualized in their clothing and body image. Supernatural characteristics are demonstrated in an unrealistic fashion. Being that the media is controlled by the entertainment industry , most of the materal being displayed is brainwashing.
If parents spend more time reading to their children.
The bond between the child and parent will become strong. Children will most likely enjoy reading as teenagers if they’re read to as babies. Young kids should also spend more time interacting with others and take part in hands-on

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