How Did The Industrial Revolution Impact Society

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The Industrial Revolution positively impacted many people. First of all, new factories were built. This created new jobs because workers were needed to build, repair, and work the machines. In addition, the machines produced products much faster than hand work. Assembly lines also made work easier by breaking jobs up into smaller tasks. They generated mass production, which was good for both the company and consumers. The company produced a large amount of goods in little time, so the price of the products would not have to be very high. People could afford the goods with a decreased cost, and bought more since they were cheap. In addition to new factories, better medical care also benefited people. Vaccines and medicines were developed to fend off diseases like smallpox. The process of pasteurization also killed many diseases found in milk. Furthermore, hospitals and nursing schools rose, including better sanitation. Surgeons had learned to wash their hands before performing surgery and to sterilize their instruments to prevent infection. Another useful discovery that helped surgeons was anesthetic. This reduced pain for many of the operations. Improved medical care was a major factor in …show more content…

Sewer systems created a place to put waste, which led to healthier cities. The water was much cleaner, and it helped fight off cholera and tuberculosis. Both sewer systems and clean water cut death rates greatly. Urban renewal also improved city life. People would redevelop poor areas, like slums, within the city. Lastly, many different types of entertainment were provided. Since many’s wages rose, people had time for entertainment such as going to music halls, opera houses, or theaters. In fact, there were even museums and libraries for educational entertainment. New factories, better medical care, and improved city life were all positive impacts of the Industrial Revolution, proving that it brought change for the

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