How Did Oedipus Influence Sun Worship

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Sun Gods and their worshipers
In Sophocles Oedipus the king, The Sun God Apollo has a significant influence on his worshipers during the plague. Despite the city of Thebes being punished by their beloved Sun God, people looked their sun god for Mercy and seek any appeasement to their cherished God. From a historical point of view sun worship has been the ultimate form of worship in early societies. With the influence of sun god worship, the daily lives of man have altered.
Sun worship was a primarily performed in Agrarian societies. “The sun was recognized as a life-giving force for the Iroquois and Plains peoples. They would perform the ritual known as the Sun dance in order to keep the warmth and light of the sun strong” ( Religion …show more content…

Apollo used the devastating force to influence his worshipers to seek out the great wrong that stirred his anger. Inducing a great tragedy or outstanding miracles were the common way that Sun Gods get recognition. Worshipers will present gratitude towards acts performed by the sun god; sacrifice and construction of monuments were believed to pay homage to the Gods. Helios was the sun god of Greek mythology. Like Ra Helios gave light and life to those on Earth and in the heavens. His power was greatly honored by man that a Cult of Helios was formed (Cult of Helios). The Members of the cult went to the far extremes to appease Helios. Each year a giant horse drawn chariot was driven off a cliff into the vast ocean along with an enormous bronze statue of Helios holding the sun, which over looked the island of Rhodes. It was renounced as one of the Seven Wonders of the World even after its destruction.
The cult believed that Helios overlooking the island was a physical embodiment of his influential power. The worshipers raved from the outstanding representation of their Sun God, They assumed that they ritual and statue amused Helios since the crops and life flourished, although the island was invaded twice, and the statue received irreversible damage. With damage to the island and depleting population the island could not afford to rebuild it a third …show more content…

They were created with the universe but did not know what their purpose was. “("Sol and Mani - Norse Mythology for Smart People). They lived their life in constant fear due to wolves chasing their chariots, compared to Apollo who just raised the sun and tended to human affairs. “When the earth was created they were the Gods of day and night” ("Sol and Mani - Norse Mythology for Smart People). Unfortunately they were still chased by the wolves Mockery and Hate, eventually the wolves corrupted the pair. After an extensive attempt to save them, Mani and sol were purified bringing back balance to earth and the Heavens. Norse worshipers appreciated the action of sacrifice Sol and Mani commit every day and night. “So while we don’t know much about Sol and Mani, we can be sure that the basic conception they indicate is not only authentic, but was a part of pre-Christian Germanic religion from the earliest times

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