How Did Julius Nepos Divide The Empire

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Julius Nepos

Julius Nepos was born in 430 and given power over the western empire, by his uncle to stop the reign of Glycerius. Even though Leo was the rightful leader he had the right to choose who he thought should divide the empire with. Nepos reigned in 474 over the Italian region, during his reign he tried to take over as much as he could, like Gaul which was in the hands of the Visigoths. Nepos was a good ruler but was unpleasing to the Roman people because of his ties to Leo in the Eastern Empire.

Romulus Augustus

Romulus was born in 463 and was the son of Orestes. He was a commanding general in the Roman army. Orestes turned on Emperor Nepos and brought his son to the throne in 475, because he was not able to rule because he was a Germanic tribesman. Romulus father ruled through him, his father made all of the decisions even if the coins were in his name.

Glycerius …show more content…

After the death of Olybrius he rose to the throne, but he was not recognized by the Eastern Emperor Leo. During Glycerius reign there were many battles between the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. After the invasion of Gaul by the Ostrogoths Glycerius sent some Roman soldiers to prevent the Goths from coming together and attacking Rome. Instead of refusing Glycerius Leo leader of the Eastern empire made Nepos the Emperor of the West and gave him a powerful army. Nepos toke the took this army to Ostia where Glycerius happen to be and he surrendered to

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