How Did Emma Noether Contribute To The Great Depression

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Emma Noether was a very iconic female mathematician who accomplished many significant things for women and math itself. This extraordinary woman was born on March 23rd, 1882 and reached her deathbed at the age of 53 on April 14th, 1935. Emma was born in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. She was born into a Jewish family, her father Max Noether was also a mathematician and her mother resided as a housewife. Emma was someone that when she put her mind to something, she would not stop until she achieved greatness. During this time women were not allowed to receive a high education and women were excluded from an academic position. At that time since she was unable to attend a regular college she took part in a finishing school where she specialized …show more content…

Although there were many historical world events that occurred in the lifetime of Emma Noether, two events stood out to me. In the year of 1929 the big stock market crash occurred which led to the Great Depression. This historical event affected many people all around the world. This major event started a 10 year Great Depression which resulted in affecting the whole western part of the country. Signs of the downfall of the market started in August of 1929, unemployment was starting to become more common, wages were at their all time low. Also people were investing in stocks even if they knew that they didn’t have enough money and a large amount of loans owed to banks that could not be shut down. The actual prices of the stocks started to diminish in late September and early October of 1929. On October 24th, known as Black Tuesday, over 12 million investments and trades were made in stocks. Companies …show more content…

She created the Noether Theorem in Physics which was the most significant contributions to modern day Physics. The theorem states for every differentiable regularity for every measure of the physical system has a correlation with conservation law. During the years of 1920-1926, she devoted her time to creating the theorem of mathematical rings. She developed the abstract approach to algebra,which led to several things putting together topology, logic, geometry, algebra and linear algebra. Her idea of mathematical rings impacted many mathematicians all around the nation. During this time Noether published two papers which would be the foundation of the mathematical ring theory, “Ideal theory in Ringbereichen,” and “Theory of Ideals in Ring Domains,” published in 1921. Her ideas to topology have had a great impact on mathematics. During the years of 1927-1935 non-commutative algebras, representation theory, hyper-complex numbers and linear transformations was now where she gave all her attention to. In the year of 1932 Noether earned the Ackermann-Teubner Memorial

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