How Did Andrew Carnegie Affect The Economy

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Andrew Carnegie was born into a middle class family, he was born November 25, 1835 in Scotland, and died August 11,1919. When Andrew Carnegie was just a child his country was going through economic problems. The economic problems caused many people to find jobs, and which affected his father. They had to make a decision to move to the united states,he was 12 years when he start to work in a cotton factory as a bobbin boy. When Andrew Carnegie was 14 he became a messenger for the telegraph, he was a such a good messenger that he became Thomas Scott personal secretary, and telegraph in 1855. In document A, you can read about him, when he was young.
Andrew Carnegie was a man who was born poor, but wanted to change many lives for those who were like him. Since he was able to walk, he started to work he was a bobbin boy in Pittsburg. Carnegie would work 12 hours a day to …show more content…

Over the years Carnegie became tired of being in the steel business, so when J.P Morgan and his partners were interested in Carnegie’s Steel Company, Carnegie found that way would be a great way to get out of that world. Carnegie sold his company to them left them to $480,000,000, that was the second smart move for him. In 1901 Carnegie became the richest man alive, and he knew he had to give it away when he died.
In my opinion Carnegie is a truly a hero. Today we don’t see a lot of men giving their money away when they die. Carnegie did change many lives for the better, and he did help save lives as well. In Document B Carnegie would word how the wealthy would never do anything with their money for the better, he didn’t want to became one of them. Carnegie quote was “ The man who dies rich dies disgraced”, by that he means why would you all that money go to waste, you are going to be died, that money could help save many lives that is why he was one who changed

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