Andrew Carnegie Essays

  • Andrew Carnegie

    1718 Words  | 4 Pages

    The richest man in the world, in his time, was Andrew Carnegie. His story of success was truly one of rags to riches. After coming to the U.S. from Scotland as part of a working-class family, he moved from job to job, eventually becoming more influential and gaining a large sum of money. Soon he was using his wealth to contribute to many public services, such as libraries and schools. Andrew Carnegie's life and actions have left a long-standing legacy and have contributed greatly to the American

  • Andrew Carnegie

    1681 Words  | 4 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie was once claimed the richest man in the world. He built a fortune from a meager beginning. Carnegie was a hard working man who refused to quit. He was dedicated to perform well and held respect for quality work. However, Carnegie faced a constant challenge through his success; his values often conflicted with his success. Carnegie was able to offset this conflict through his donations to the public after his retirement from the steel industry. He has been better remembered for his

  • Andrew Carnegie Essay

    921 Words  | 2 Pages

    early 20th century Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in November 25 1835. Andrew’s family consisted of four people, William Carnegie, father, Margaret Morrison Carnegie, mother, and younger brother Thomas M. Carnegie. Dunfermline was known as center of the damask trade in Scotlan; his father William Carnegie was a damask weaver. Andrew’s family was not wealthy “looking at the cottage today, one wonders how two adults and a child could have lived there.” However, Andrew become very wealthy

  • Andrew Carnegie And The Industrialists

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    was the captains of industry, which included strategic men like Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan and Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie was the most influential industrialists that made the greatest impact to the modern economy and society. In the late 19th century as America was developing into a more industrial country, individual men had visions to have a great impact on the nation. Andrew Carnegie initially, before the Civil War, began to invest in transportation, specifically

  • Andrew Carnegie Contributions

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men in the world. He spent the first several decades of his life dedicated to expanding business and increasing steel production in the United States. He spent the latter part of his life dedicated to his philanthropic endeavors. Carnegie donated money to many organizations and funded the construction of several colleges, libraries, and other public institutions. Andrew Carnegie is a man who started life in less than modest circumstances, but arose to be one

  • Andrew Carnegie

    1162 Words  | 3 Pages

    Scotland, a distinguished citizen of the United States, and a philanthropist devoted to the betterment of the world around him, Andrew Carnegie became famous at the turn of the twentieth century and became a real life rags to riches story. Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, on November 25, 1835, Andrew Carnegie entered the world in poverty. The son of a hand weaver, Carnegie received his only formal education during the short time between his birth and his move to the United States. When steam machinery

  • Andrew Carnegie: A Hero Or A Hero?

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    something bigger than oneself.” Andrew Carnegie, a philanthropist who has helped hundreds. But there is a side of him that not many knew. Is Andrew Carnegie a hero? Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland. He and his family were in poverty, living in an attic of a weavers cottage. For a better life, his family moved to America. There Carnegie started working as a bobbin boy. Carnegie later became locally famous, and was later given a well paying job. Andrew Carnegie was not a hero because he

  • Andrew Carnegie Biography Essay

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    Born in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835, Andrew Carnegie will soon aid in shaping the industrialization and urbanization movement in the 19th and 20th centuries. His early life leads up to his innovations and the becoming of being the wealthiest American of his time. Dunfermline was the center of a linen industry and William Carnegie, Andrew’s father, was a weaver. The emergence of the industrial revolution soon put hand weavers out of business. Faced with poverty, the Carnegies spent 20 pounds, which

  • A Brief Biography of Andrew Carnegie

    863 Words  | 2 Pages

    heated debates among them, Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie at one time was the richest man in the world, who immediately after gaining that title began giving his money away. The impact and size of Carnegie’s philanthropic efforts are undeniable, but why he gave so much has been a topic of debate for nearly a century now. Carnegie’s rags to riches story is the epitome of the American dream and has been an inspiration to many entrepreneurs around the world. Andrew Carnegie was born November 25, 1835

  • Andrew Carnegie And The Gospel Of Wealth

    1167 Words  | 3 Pages

    1900s a Scottish American industrialist known as Andrew Carnegie dominated the steel industry making him one of the richest men in the history of the United States. While Carnegie was known as somewhat of a dictator in his industry he was also known for his extensive work in philanthropy and social equality. Most famously, Carnegie wrote The Gospel of Wealth, which details his views on the widening class division in the US. In The Gospel of Wealth, Carnegie states that while the conditions of the rich

  • Andrew Carnegie And The Gospel Of Wealth

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835, and grew up in rather poor family. He was born into an average working family and had his first job as a bobbin boy paying at $1.20 a week. He continued advancement and later became one of the biggest steel companies in the area. Although, he may have had a poor life before riches, he had no sympathy for the low class. He was quite a hypocrite. He grew up desperate for money and success, low wages were expected for the low class citizens

  • Andrew Carnegie And Wealth Analysis

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    is an article by Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish American, showed his views on their social class during the Gilded Age, the late 19th century, discussing the “rich and poor.” Carnegie in fact was one of the wealthiest men because of his major success in the steel industry. Relating to the average coal miner, Carnegie believed in working hard to succeed. While they still had different views on succeeding, they can still relate to the note of working hard. As a matter of fact, Carnegie believed those

  • The Gospel Of Wealth, By Andrew Carnegie

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    After reading “The Gospel of Wealth” by Andrew Carnegie it is clear that Carnegie feels that wealthy people have a duty and purpose to provide for their community and help those less fortunate than them, however he also believes there are very specific ways this should be accomplished. Carnegie was one of the wealthiest men in U.S history. He was dedicated to the steel industry but at 65 he changed his life around completely and decided to devote the rest of his life to helping other people. He donated

  • The Gospel of Wealth, by Andrew Carnegie

    960 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the “Gospel of wealth”, Andrew Carnegie argues that it is the duty of the wealthy entrepreneur who has amassed a great fortune during their lifetime, to give back to those less fortunate. Greed and selfishness may force some readers to see these arguments as preposterous; however, greed is a key ingredient in successful competition. It forces competitors to perform at a higher level than their peers in hopes of obtaining more money and individual wealth. A capitalist society that allows this

  • Andrew Carnegie And Peter Singer

    1346 Words  | 3 Pages

    The concepts of poverty and wealth only have meaning relative to each other. While poverty can’t be eliminated without wealth becoming meaningless, the vast difference in living conditions between the wealthy and poor must be addressed. Andrew Carnegie, wealthy industrialist, and Peter Singer, moral philosopher, both argue that philanthropy should improve the living conditions of the poor. However, their approaches to philanthropy are vastly different, and both have inherent flaws. Singer’s philosophy

  • Andrew Carnegie

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie was an Entrepreneur and a Philanthropist. He was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in the United Kingdom. He was born on November 25, 1835. He passed away on August 11, 1919 at the age of 84 in Lenox, Massachusetts. Andrew had little or no formal education, but he grew up in a family that had beliefs in knowing the importance of books and learning. His father was handloom weaver by trade. Andrew Carnegie was best known for being a self-made steel tycoon and he was one of the wealthiest

  • Andrew Carnegie

    872 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie, a very factual and interesting biography, which was written by Alvin F. Harlow, was published in 1953 by Kingston House, Chicago and it contains 178 pages. Mr. Harlow wrote this book because of his love for history and his love of writing and his interest in the history of transportation and communication in America. This led him to write a series of books on biographies for young people. Like all his writings, he makes them factual and filed with humor and satire. Therefore perhaps

  • Andrew Carnegie

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrew Carnegie Essay In the nineteenth century, when I hear the word Captain of Industry the name Andrew Carnegie comes to mind. Rather than being a Robber Baron, I believe Carnegie deserves the title Captain of Industry for many reasons. One reason would be that he came from being a poor young boy in Scotland, to being one of the richest men in America years after he and his family immigrated to the United States of America. The next reason would be that he provided many of his workers high

  • Andrew Carnegie

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    devoted to the making the world around him a better place, Andrew Carnegie became famous at the turn of the twentieth century and became true rags to riches story. Carnegie's life Started on "November 25, 1835 in Dunfermiline, Fife Scotland" (Nasaw 36) Carnegie's Family was poor, but he still grew up in a well cultured and political family. Many of Carnegie's closest Relatives were self educated tradesmen and class activists. William Carnegie although poor had educated himself. William also was politically

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Andrew Carnegie A Hero?

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    the media and public eye never thought to question Andrew Carnegie’s motives. Andrew Carnegie wanted people to see him as a caring person, and achieved this by giving large amounts of money to charity. However, the money donated wasn’t his own earnings. He maintained a good image in the media because he was always giving to charity; but what the people didn’t consider is where he got the money from. The question of whether or not Andrew Carnegie was a hero will rely on three important articles. A