How Civilization Has Changed The Way People Lived

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Ishita Randhawa Per. 3 and 8 11 – 26 – 17 Ms. Lopez The Way People Lived In the ancient times, there were many historical monuments created that had influenced society, in the way people live, their beliefs, and culture. Thousands of years later, the ancient civilizations still continue to fascinate us and inspire us. Therefore, there were many times were the ancient civilizations mattered the most to people and made a mark on history. This included the 1st emperor of China, The Silk Road, and The Hanging Gardens creating a big mark on history and the way people lived. Still now these rules and laws even are taken for granite. …show more content…

This had helped people even travelers in many ways that had changed people's lives. The Silk road was made up of some series pathways that linked China and the rest of the ancient world. This had helped many. In paragraph 5 it states that " Having goods on this street helped many economies to grow" This is true with helping people more and more people come and the more profit companies get. Also, it did state in Sorce #2 that soon enough everyone found out more and more people came. Moreover, it does state in Paragraph 5 that groups gained access to new foreign idea. Also, another example is that when traveling between continents, merchants shared their religions, philosophy, and also, they shared creative ideas about art. All in all this was very useful, and had helped m nay getting what they

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