Honest People Make the Best Leaders

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Leadership is the ability to motivate and instill a passion to become the very best. Leadership is more complicated than just ordering people from place to place like cattle. Leadership is about turning the followers of today into the leaders of tomorrow. I was inspired by my mother to become a leader. She has been so influential in my life I would not be who I am today without her guidance. Leadership helps mold and motivate people to always put their best foot forward.
As a leader, I value no stealing and honesty. First, I believe that honest people are more respected than people that often lie. In addition, I think that thieves are unnecessary, because the same way that the person they are stealing from got theirs’ they can do the same. I believe that people that lie and steal have had poor leaders influencing their lives. All leaders have strengths and weakness albeit good or bad. Furthermore, once a leader has realized what their strengths and weaknesses are they should then work to refine them. For example, my strengths are: Self-motivation, Faith, Problem Solving, Communication, Curiosity, and my weakness is Purpose. Since I know what my strengths and weaknesses are, I can now improve them. I believe that leaders cannot truly help others until they know their own strengths and weaknesses.
The job description for a Registered Nurse is very large as they can do a wide range of tasks, but a general of what an average RN does goes as followed: caring for patients, assist physicians in providing treatment, may administer medication, monitor patient recovery and progress. RNs with advanced degrees may also be tasked with performing patient diagnosis and case management. The education for becoming a RN is different depending up...

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... and enable others to act, more than just the basic leadership skills are required. I have also learned that leadership is not about perfection but about trial and error. No leader is perfect they just learn how to depend on others as well as themselves to get work done. In addition, leaders have to be able to be good followers as well. Although being the leader can be fun, certain types of are not necessary at all times. For example, a very authoritative leader would most likely not be needed at a child’s birthday party. Although being a leader may seem as though you are on top, I have learned that leaders are never complacent. Leaders are never satisfied with resting on their laurels. Great leaders want to reach their impossible goals and then the bar higher and higher each time. My leadership Philosophy is that, I believe that honest people make the best leaders.

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