Hodgkin's Lymphoma Study

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Lymphomas are malignancies of the lymphoid tissue, which includes the lymphocytes, lymph nodes, the spleen and bone marrow (Pearson, 2015). The two types of lymphomas are Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Unlike Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the cells of NHL do not contain the Reed-Sternberg cell. Instead, this disease involves lymphoctyes (B, T, or Natural Killer cells) in various stages of development and may mimic a leukemia (Lewis et al, 2016 ). Nearly 70,000 people are diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the United States each year (Sommers & Fannin, 2015). Although the definite cause of NHL is unknown, chromosomal abnormalities and exposures to viruses and infections are suspected as some. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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