Essay On Lymphedema

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What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is an abnormal collection of lymphatic fluid and swelling caused by several removal, obstruction, and damage to the lymph nodes which is part of the cancer. The Majority of the swelling happen in the arm or legs may occur in any other body parts. Lymphedema disease can be developed when a lymph vessel is damaged or clogged. Usually the lymph liquid is carried out the body system by a lymph vessel. Although the protein rich fluid is collects in certain areas, they can seduce more liquid and increase swelling. Sometimes the lymphedema commonly confused with lip edema, abnormal fat cells, which can expand onto secondary lymphedema.
What are the causes of Lymphedema? There are two types of Lymphedema, which is the primary lymphedema and secondary lymphedema. Many people can be innate with deformity of the lymphatic system. The primary lymphedema can affect any certain areas of the body and swelling in the body areas. By the reason of primary lymphedema can be linked with more congenial irregular, any children with primary lymphedema need to be transferred to a genetic counselor which can determine whether the child needs the test. Primary lymphedema can appear during puberty, which can be in any girls. The secondary lymphedema can happen as damage to the lymphatic system. Only causes during any surgery, radiation, and infection. Lymphedema will appear within one year later. Having …show more content…

Lymphedema is associated with axillary surgery and radiation therapy. We don’t know why some breast cancers get lymphedema and other people do. 75-77 years old are at higher risk of getting the disease which includes people being overweight, radiation in the axillary area, and large amount of lymph nodes that carry cancer. There’s no way to determine who would develop it. If you had any problem after surgery, you can most likely to develop lymphedema. Also lymphedema can develop during any radiation

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