Main Contributions of Bede's Ecclesiastical History as a Source for Early English History

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There is not a single work along English History that could have been more determinant and indispensable than Bede's Ecclesiastical History. By describing the story of the English people through their experience of Christianity he became our intermediary with the world of Anglo-Saxon England and their believes. Therefore, in what follows an attempt will be made to describe the main contributions of Bede's Ecclesiastical History as a source for early English history.

As a Christian monk and teacher, Bede could not have carried out this English history without emphasizing the importance of the Christian conversion that took place in England before the VIII century. It covers both the conversion of the kingdoms and the creation of the church, which, in his opinion, were clear manifestations of God's power. He also insisted in the same way on the importance of the actions of missionaries and saints that came to the island and on how the new church developed. Despite wanting to transmit Christ's message, it also supposed a critic towards the ecclesiastical corruption present in his da...

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