Healthy Behavior And Personal Health

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1) Three good topics to teach to student from K-5 would be: a. HE5.1: Comprehension to health related promotion and disease prevention to enhance health: Students wil be taught to adquire and mantain healthy behaviors. Students from fifth grade will have to describe these behaviors and to prevent risk of injuries and/or illness during their lifespan. Here, kids will leart to describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health as they develop strategies an skills used to enhnace their personal hygine and identify factors that can lead to cancer, heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. These will also describe how to prevent injuries that are comon and health problems by describing how people can affect the health and safety …show more content…

Here kids get to learn how family and the enviroment that surrounds them gets to affet their health decisions, also how to identify their riskduring lifespan due factors in family history and recognize peer preasure. It will be explaned to them how media and technology affect their behavior and health related decisions. c. HE5.7: Practice of health enhancing behaviors and avoid, reduce health risk. Students must demonstrate their ability to reproduce behaviors that improves their health and avoid to put them in risky situations. This can be achieved by the simple practice of personal health choices such as keeping a good dialy hydration, students also must perform different behaviors to decrase health risk, here they will analyze strategies to improve personal health and research benefits and down sides of certain types of …show more content…

Here will be taugh to students how to strengthen interpersonal connections throught verbal and nonverbal skills to avoid/solve conflict. It will be required to students to apply effectives techniques of verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance health, practice peaceful ways to solver problems and demonstrate how and when to ask for professional assistance for personal and other's health. c. HE5.8: Demonstration of the ability to advocate for personal, family and community Right as the title remarks, students must demonstrate the ability avocate for the health of the community through reviewing appropiated information to develop opinions about health issues through research of short and long consequences of the abuse of alcohol and write reports about the effects of eating disorders. Kids must also help other to develop positive health choices by designing material such as bumper stickers, and creating dinamic activities that encourage their classmates to make better eating choices. Video about topic Idea: Use of communication skills and how to improve

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