Health Promotion

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Health Education and Health Promotion now a days seems to be thrown around and every day health and/or medical field conversations, yet the question is do they know what they are talking about. Most do not know what Health Education and Health Promotion means and are unaware that the two topics are different. People tend to wonder how the two words different because they are very similar and involve health. However, it will be discussed what Health Education and Health Promotion means and how they are different. Health Promotion is a support system. It is involved in people’s life who are working on adopting a new way of living. As a Health Promoter, you are someone’s support group. You help them and get involved in that individual’s life …show more content…

According to Kent University, "Health education is the development of individual, group, institutional, community and systemic strategies to improve health knowledge, attitudes, skills and behavior." (Kent University). Health Education focuses on improving the attitude and behavior of that individual, and it provides them with the proper amount of information in regards to improving their health. "Health education aims not just to increase the awareness of the people about their health but also to impart knowledge and skills to develop and maintain behaviors and attitudes that lead to better health and wellness." (Kent University). Health Education is awareness. It is information that has been studied by scientist and doctors to help educate society become more aware with their surroundings, choices, actions, and lifestyles. According to WHO, Health Education, "is any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes."(WHO, 2016). Health Education is about learning experiences that will help people and communities improve in their health just by influencing and making them become more aware of what to expect if they do not make a change. Becoming a Health Educator involves going to college and getting an actual degree that states you chose the major this career to make a change in someone’s life. Health Education is the base for health. Without Health Education, many people and the society would not what is right or wrong for their

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