Health Assessment

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This refers to more than being an absence of disease, as the assessment aims to understand not only a patient’s physical health, but their mental state and social well-being. Health assessment contains two major components of physical examination and health interview. Health interview, as a discussion between the nurse and patient, collects subjective data, which is any information that cannot be measured by the nurse. Such things can include family history, lifestyle, reason for seeking care, past health, personal concerns and pain levels. The physical examination component is an investigation of the subject using the four techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation to assess the major systems of the patient’s body (Forbes …show more content…

al., 2016). Nurses predominantly benefit the patient from conducting this examination as this health assessment focuses on all areas of the patient’s body, making it one of the simplest tools to utilise in holistic caring, which is the foundation of what nurses are (Estes, 2014). Due to health in a modern context being a correlation of wellness between body, mind and spirit, holistic outlooks on caring place nurses in the most beneficial position to improve their patient’s life quality, starting with the health interview and physical …show more content…

Across the numerous bodily systems, the physical exam is the first point of contact upon a patient’s admission to hospital that can indicate the immediate actions to be taken to improve the patient’s health and wellbeing within all aspects of their life. Physical assessment can be adjusted to further suit personal needs. For example, if the patient has a physically intense job, more emphasis can be placed on musculoskeletal assessment, while overweight patients would require a heavier cardiac assessment (Rasmor & Brown, 2003). Therefore, despite being a relatively simple exam, nurses are placed in a fantastic position to help their patients by ensuring holistic care is being carried out, as well as having the opportunity to improve other areas of their

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